Kat Manapat is a prolific writer and layout artist and graphic designer, and she continues to improve her work up to this day.
Her guiding principle is to always discover new things from all the interviews and stories she writes because of her voracious appetite for learning, and of course, to communicate her message in the most effective way to her readers.
Check out some of her pieces below:

Absence in My Presence (2012) – Published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Youngblood Section before she graduated from college.
My First Editor’s Joke (2012) – Published in Rappler in time for the celebration of Father’s Day.
The 2014 Interfaith Dialogue on Climate Change Souvenir Program – Written some articles and designed the layout of the entire souvenir program except the front and back pages.
Articles from China Business Magazine (2013-2014)
BPO Hotjobs (2013-2014)
Articles from DENR (2016- 2020) - Written and designed the layout of all articles.
Layout designs (These designs were all made by yours truly.)
Looking for more graphic design, photos and layout? Go HERE.